leap year/gap year

Talk about serious summering. Its monday and I just had a margarita with lunch. whooa whoo! But seriously ever since leap year (the date my boyfriend and i got together) i've been having a serious gap year (his term). That is why I am packing up, sadly leaving the proximity of Breanne and Peter, and moving to The A, yes you heard me correctly, L.A. here I come. WHY?!?!?!?!?! you might say. I understand your confusion, trust me, i felt the same at the thought of that strange far land... then I visited it and met some really nice people who didn't get high colonics and botox everyday. I realize that is where i have to be if i am going to make some serious splashes in the costuming world.
So now i get to really live up to my print assistant nic-name: HOLLYWOOD!
I just hope I can survive without Peter and Bre, I don't know what I am going to do
every night without them!!
Labels: fantasy and apples, ifeellikegoldie, vacation
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