Weekends in the park are so nice. Obnoxious music festivals in said park, not so much. Between scouring the internibs, getting in touch with everyone I know about our new biz, fantasizing about being the next Chip Kidd and a new collaborative project with allison, I've been reading. Reading my little heart out, like I'm 12 years old again, and can't put down the latest Baby-Sitter's Club Super Special.
(wow, i just read on the wiki that some of the books were ghostwritten, and by a dude. Peter just said, "Of course they were ghostwritten.")
Maybe its that I have a lot of extra time on my hands post post post grad school, or that I need to brush up on my grammar stylie stylez since failing the NY Mag copy editing test (really, what a letdown, and after editing so many theses).
In the past week or so, I've read: A Million Little Pieces, The Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing (again), Julie & Julia, started Naked (again) and Chip Kidd: Book One.
So, what I need from you, dear readers (judge? chris? anyone there?) are recommendations. And preferably something funny, memoir-esque and that I can borrow.
Seriously my faves back in the day (and I'd probably re-read them all now if i didn't sell them at mom's garage sale 15 years ago):

(wow, i just read on the wiki that some of the books were ghostwritten, and by a dude. Peter just said, "Of course they were ghostwritten.")
Maybe its that I have a lot of extra time on my hands post post post grad school, or that I need to brush up on my grammar stylie stylez since failing the NY Mag copy editing test (really, what a letdown, and after editing so many theses).
In the past week or so, I've read: A Million Little Pieces, The Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing (again), Julie & Julia, started Naked (again) and Chip Kidd: Book One.
So, what I need from you, dear readers (judge? chris? anyone there?) are recommendations. And preferably something funny, memoir-esque and that I can borrow.

Labels: baby bwe, lazerwhales, nerdalert, projects