Saturday, December 29, 2007

getting into being into the internet

ok, so we've taken an unplanned completely not deliberate break from our blog and are so very sorry. christmas has truly taken some extra effort this year so we took a moment to reflect on the year. this year a lot of wonderful things happened: we met each other, oliveanne was born. we decided to work on store concept together. we collaborated (breanne did it all) on our christmas present project and are going to continue to make new creations that will hopefully be ready for valentines day.

so in closing, thanks for not being pissed. we appreciate it. back at 'cha san diego!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

build me up buttercup

Thursday, December 20, 2007

lazr dresses

i have few fantasies in life, most of them involve 14th century garb and food but this could easily be part of a formulating futuristic fantasy.

i was turned onto dezeen by a friend. cool, no?

taking stock

i read this article from the new york times that struck me as totally funny. there was this quote from the editor of "domino" (magalooooooog)

“This is the downside of the democratization of design,” said Deborah Needleman, editor of Domino, a magazine with its own fashiony approach. “With everything being available everywhere, and everybody caring about design, your eye gets tired more quickly.” so buy buy buy!!!!!!

i agree with her tho, we are all getting all seasony with our home decor. i get grossed out when i walk in to someone's apt and the first this i see is last seasons design with in reach window display. irregardlessneertheless, it was her and her "magazine" that helped proliferate the rapid turn over of "ID", interior design.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

tuesday eye candy.


Monday, December 17, 2007


i know everyone knows about whats going on on the interwebz like i a year before i do so this will come as no surprise to you: TED!!!!!!

nerd out on this, SEA DRAGON.

hobby blogs.

Our friend Jeff started a blog that documents sitings of the (default -- signage, menus etc) typeface Papyrus. He welcomes your submissions.

A nugget of type trivia: The dude who designed Curlz MT (oh, to be a default) went to RISD. Curlz! Yes, the font used in the movie Elf.
Happy holidazze!

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Sunday, December 16, 2007

modaes needs an intern.

Wiksten is straight outta KC and seeing her BBW/midwesty stuff makes me want to start sewing again. Really bad. I was on a big gonna-sew-my-own-clothes-from-now-on kick over the summer but that never happened. I think maybe if we just tried to replicate my houndstooth jumper, that would be a good start.

My vintage pattern cup runneth over.
My time cup? Not so much.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

getting a little (a lot) ahead of ourselves

so breanne and i have not discussed the shop in a while because of many reasons, the great continental divide between us, grad school, my punk ass being preoccupied with shopping for vintage wares all day long...

so i thought it would be fun to get excited about the possibility again!


retail space
! right where we want it and for the low low coast of 98753984 a month!
jk, but seriously, rent, ugh... makes you really believe in the shiny squirrel

Sunday, December 9, 2007

stuff that doesn't matter but really does.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

bitting off more than i can blog

so i decided after looking thru an enormous amount of family pictures that my mom was a fashion genius and i have not been giving her nearly enough credit for her deep influence on my aesthetic. i have all this time on my hands since i'm on perm vay-kay so i've been scanning and up loading. please, if you will, enjoy.

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Friday, December 7, 2007



eye candy like whoa.

Japanese textile / fashion: Mina Perhonen = amazing! So much print, pattern and embroidered goodness. Yes.

I am sort of taking it easy for the next day or so. Doing personal "research", watching MSCL and cleaning the house for Olivia's residency next month. Also editing photoz for my last critique next week and working on secret projectzzzzzzz; I will post documentation after they are revealed.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

what up, pucc?

I can totally appreciate the history behind the label and early psychedelic patterns, but I'm not usually one to gush over Pucci and its def never been my first click on during runway season.

But I am SO loving the subdued color and geometric vs trippy pleasure town patterns in the spring 08 RTW line (on the left, the right is from fall 07, I think).

Fashion yumyumz. Plus check out the Dan Flavin-esque easter egg light runway goodness. If I ever have a house with a long hallway, I want that at the end.

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so its pretty weird being in the small country town in which i currently reside after 5 years of city life. when i walk out the door of the (my mother's) house to get to the guest house it is shockingly quiet. my day consists of not being on the interweb, doing errands for grand parents and also not being on the interweb. phew. i actually helped put out a forest fire today, no joke.

one thing i do get to do a bunch of (besides of course the occational rescue of a cat out of a tree, i promise i am not a fire man) is thrifting a TON.

the jewel of sonora is its unpilfered salvation army and its plentiful red church thrift store. here are some fun items i got for the ebayz last week.

got some fun posts coming up. got my styling portfolio, stores that bre and i are going to look at in sf (and bk later) and a suprise special sub blog that i think everyone is really going to enjoy. stay tuned? (not allowed to say again.)

Monday, December 3, 2007


Blog on, baby. The semester is coming to a close and my biggest critique was today. For which Peter and I printed this over the weekend. 20 feet of paper in 2.5 days = A serious labour of love.

Meanwhile, Liv is snatching up and disseminating vintage goodz left and right. (Dude! save some of your retail energy for me cuz I need some thrift therapy soon.)

Its been slow dayz on the blog lately. We're busy gals... sometimes we have to outsource. This is from Peter, emailed to us earlier today. Apparently, Dustin wants these for xmas. Handle it.

A lot of ideas are in the pipeline.
Because we are idea people.

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